Appeal Guru recently partnered up with Huboo, a new fulfillment service for e-commerce, and we think they’re the real deal. The first thing we noticed when exploring their website was their transparent pricing; anyone who’s investigated using a fulfillment service before will know such honest pricing is far from the industry standard.

The pricing with Huboo is transparent because as far as we can see they truly have nothing to hide; they say they are the cheapest and are happy to prove it. Their prices roughly match what you pay with FBA, but the difference here is it will be for all channels, including an inventory management system that is so easy to use it makes the task of stock management truly simple.

The model of their warehousing is interesting as well, as it enables them to serve businesses of any size, something most wish they could say. The warehouse space at Huboo is broken down into ‘Hubs’, with dedicated ‘Hub’ managers. This means Huboo can put you in contact directly with the warehouse staff personally picking and packing your product. Having this is important, as speaking with real people can make all the difference in business; Using our service means you already know how tricky Amazon can be, so take our word for it when we say Huboo is the obvious choice for fulfillment.

We’d really recommend getting in touch with Huboo and seeing if they can help you and your business. We’ve even negotiated a special offer, which enables Appeal Guru Customers to take advantage of a risk-free trial. Quote ‘Appeal Guru’ when speaking to them and you’ll get 6 months free storage for your first shipment and they will even pay for your trial shipment to be delivered to them (up to £100 courier fee).

Whatever your situation, we recommend Huboo. Visit