If you are a new seller then you should be aware of the various metrics used by Amazon.  As we all know that Amazon is the biggest online marketplace in the world and In order to maintain that position, Amazon takes all the efforts which include knowing their consumers need and making their purchases easier.

In 2017, around 52% of people said that Amazon is their first choice for product searches and the ratio is still growing.

One of the metrics is the Amazon best sellers rank. This helps the consumer to know what the best sellers are and where the product stands in ranking when they try to buy them. If you are a seller than it should be your important target to be in the top list of the Amazon best sellers rank. Higher rank means you are getting more sales than your competitors in that particular category.


What is Amazon Best Sellers Rank?

Amazon Best Sellers rank indicates how well a product is selling compared to the other sellers in the particular category. Every category has its own list of best sellers rank.

For example: Let take the example of Pet Supplies category. We can see Pet Supplies is the main category and it will have its own best sellers rank. Then its sub-categories like Dogs, Cats, Fish & Aquatic Pets, Birds, Horses, Reptiles & Amphibians and Small Animals will have their own respective best sellers rank.



Note: One product can have an Amazon sales rank in more than one sub-category (see screenshot below). This means one product can rank #14 in the main category ‘Cell Phones & Accessories’ but be ranked at #1 in the subcategory ‘Earbud Headphones’.

How is the Amazon sales rank calculated?

Amazon calculates the sales rank by considering the product’s number of orders in comparison to other products in the same category within a specific amount of time. The bestselling product in a category will get the #1 spot along with a best seller tag as shown in the below image:

Amazon sales rank will be calculated solely on sales volume and not on other factors like product reviews, price, listing quality, etc. An increase in sales doesn’t necessarily mean an improved ranking. To improve your ranking, your product should sell more units than other products in that category.

  • It is been updated by Amazon’s system every hour for every product.
  • If your product is new then it will get rank within 2-3 hours of a sale being confirmed and its payment has been processed.
  • The Best Selling Rank calculation more heavily weights recent sales. Historical sales still hold considerable weight in the calculation.

How important is Amazon Best Sellers Rank?

Amazon Best Seller Rank system is very important for buyers as they can consider it while purchasing a product on Amazon. Sometimes customers are hugely dependent on the reviews and rank the product holds as this will give them an idea about how well a product is performing.

For sellers, BSR acts as a tool to monitor the health of their product. They can check whether their product is improving and they are getting sales of it. It is also helpful to find new products with high demand for selling. This way it will reduce the risk of investing in a slow selling product. The better the sales rank, the more sales it’s getting on Amazon.

How to Improve Amazon Best Seller Ranking?

To improve your Amazon best seller rank, you have to sell more units of the product than your competitor. To increase sales, try to advertise your product through social media or your website.

Check your listings of the products and make sure all the bullet points, product description, backend keywords, and other necessary information are optimized.

Run PPC campaigns as it will increase the click through rate and will buy you more sales.

Ensure that your products have Buy Box as it will increase your rank. It is the yellow button that states “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now”. 80% of sales on Amazon are generated through this button as customers do not research around and if they like your product presentation they will quickly hit the button without seeing the seller name. So if you got the button you will receive more sales.