Product reviews are a major reason why consumers love Amazon. Amazon customer reviews about the products are one of the main reasons to attract customers on Amazon. It basically helps them understand almost every detail of the product. Since, consumers cannot physically inspect the product while shopping online, Amazon product review is the one they can trust in order to judge a product. Reviews not only have the power to influence consumer decisions but can strengthen a company’s credibility. Reviews have the power to gain customer trust, and they encourage people to interact with the company. Customer interaction ultimately leads to improved profits for businesses.

The immediate benefit of reviews is that they can make your future customers feel that much more confident. The more reviews you have, the more convinced a shopper will be that they’re making the right decision. Reviews can help increase a store’s online presence, too. Since customer feedback appears on each product’s page, reviews can help pages be found on search engines via unique keywords.

Below are few reasons why amazon product reviews matter to merchants:

#Increase sales:


Customer reviews increase your visibility and traffic. Therefore, if your purchase tunnel is optimized, you will generate more sales. Reviews are trust marks, proof and shows that others have had the good experience your potential customers wish to have with your business.

Knowing the opinions and experiences(via reviews) of others takes away the fear and uncertainty to purchase the product from your brand.

The biggest reason why businesses need more online reviews is because they’re proven to drive sales by supplying consumers with suitable information about products and services. With nearly 95% of shoppers reading online reviews before making a purchase, reviews have transformed the way consumers make purchase decisions.


#Help to build customers trust:


Trust is everything in the world of business. Consumers need to trust that the product or service they are about to buy will deliver everything expected. Trust that their money is safe with the merchant. Trust that the product will be delivered on time and in one piece. And if purchasing a service, trust that everything will be carried out as described.

Online reviews are literally good for business. Positive reviews, and a good number of them, can build immediate trust with new customers, increase a website’s conversion rate, and even create publicity around the brand. The audience is much larger and instant sharing capabilities allow praise to be displayed to multiple people without much effort.


#Help to boost your products SEO:


Reviews are a massive part of the web now, and an absolute essential for online retailers. Your company’s reputation plays a large role in local organic search rankings. The importance of reviews for SEO can’t be underestimated.

It should come as no surprise that reviews and SEO are closely linked because they have much the same objective. A search engine wants to help its users to find the right product, service or information in the timeliest manner possible. Reviews serve to separate the good from the bad and help consumers find the best local business for their need.

Think of reviews as crowd-sourced recommendations—a review tells a search engine that they can confidently show that business in a premium, high-visibility location.


#Inspire confidence:


Having positive reviews on your amazon listing gives potential customers more confidence in their purchasing decisions and reduces doubts, leading to a higher conversion rate. Unlike a well-known and established brand, customers don’t know what to expect from your small business. They may be doubtful to hand over their hard-earned cash to you. That’s when reviews come in handy.

These reviews legitimize your product and give potential customers a better understanding of what you purchase and why you’re superior than your competitors.

In short, online reviews help build confidence in your brand.


#Can build your credibility:


Many studies have shown that a lot of buyers read customer reviews before they make a purchase. Consumers want to see what others are saying about your products or services before they commit the action. So providing a space for customer reviews will make them think that your brand is transparent in nature. Transparency will definitely play a part in building your brand’s long-term credibility.

Credibility is important in building a successful online business on amazon. Statistics show some 61 percent of buyers read customer reviews before they make a purchase. Customer reviews on your account immediately tells visitors your brand is transparent and ready to own its image.

By more customer reviews and become accredited on the amazon — which lends greater credibility and trustworthiness to you if customers are deciding between options using these reviews and ratings. Strong brand credibility can help everyone from e-commerce stores to freelancers earn and keep their online customers’ trust.